28 Things I've Learned So Far


Outfit Details: Wrap Dress @UrbanOutfitters, Boots @OldNavy, and Camille Necklace by @NatalieBorton.

It’s my birthday and I’ll blog if I want to! In my life, birthdays have been this magical, momentous day. Full of love, thoughtful gifts, and gratefulness. I will never ever forget my most memorable birthday. I was 4 years old and my day started with receiving the princess dress of my absolute dreams. I dressed up with my crown held high. Then, my mom bought me a cake with Beauty and the Beast on top. It was my favorite movie at the time. And as a child who grew up without extravagance, this cake was everything. To top it all off, my gift was a Baby Born doll (a baby doll that actually pooped and peed)! I had been asking for the doll for a year and I still remember the joy that this gift brought me.

So, now as an adult, things have definitely changed. Adulting is tiring and remembering the little moments of joy seem to get harder and harder as I get busier and busier. So, I am going to share with you 28 things I’ve learned so far in my 28 years of living (and these lessons cost zero dollars to replicate).

1.Wake up earlier than you need to. Take some time to make yourself breakfast or to just be bored before the craziness of your day. This intentionality really does set the tone for the day.

2. Prioritize self care. EVERY. DAY. Self care is so important because you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of you, no matter what.

3. Say no often. It’s so easy to say yes even when you want to say no. Start listening to the little voice inside your head and start saying no, just do it.

4. Have girlfriends. A few really close ones. Relationships are so important. Hang out with those that bring you joy.

5. You are in control of you. Don’t let someone else dictate your emotions. Only you have the power to ruin your own day and therefore, turn your day around too.

6. Be imperfect because perfection is a boring illusion.

7. Schedule date nights with your spouse, your girlfriends, and/or yourself. It’s important to set time aside each week to slow down and have something to look forward to.

8. Love people like your dog(s) love you. Unconditional love is just that, unconditional.

9. Write things down. I have journals. A lot of them. Writing is cathartic. Whether it’s a to do list or a love note, write it down. There’s something about words on paper that are comforting.

10. Be scared. Living in your comfort zone is safe. Being scared and feeling fear is being alive. Embrace change. And live your life the hard way.

11. Be vulnerable. So many of us fight battles on a daily basis. Talk about them. Share your story. Because chances are there’s someone listening.

12. Bra size is just a number. Pant size is just a number. Shoe size is just a number. Weight is just a number. Do NOT let this defeat or define you.

13. Get outside. Nature is like medicine. Find your outdoor hobby and do it often. Mine is gardening. The satisfaction of seeing a flower bloom is unlike any other.

14. Buy things you can afford. In the spirit of the holidays and spending (which my wallet definitely feels), only buy things that you can afford. Debt is stressful. And no one talks about it. It can feel isolating. Buy what you want and what is within your means.

15. Learn how to be alone. As an introvert, my alone time recharges me. It’s so important to be still and quiet in the craziness that is life.

16. Wash your face before you go to bed. It’s simple. It’s fast. It’s important. This has been a ritual for me for as long as I can remember.

17. Be confident and fake it until you become it. We all tell ourselves we have so much work to do before we can truly be happy. And the truth is your beginning or middle is someone else’s ideal ending.

18. Spend more time looking at the clouds. Get lost in daydreams. Look up more often and take a moment to really see what’s in front of you.

19. Read more books. A lot more books.

20. Be humble because you never know what battle someone is fighting.

21. Keep reminding yourself that it is okay to have anxiety, or depression, or whatever thing you are going through. You are not alone.

22. Time is more valuable than money. You’ll never get moments back but money will always come and go.

23. Listen more. And talk less. When we’re having conversations we’re so intent on what we will reply that often times we miss the moment for connection.

24. Prioritize sleep. You need it. And your body needs at least 7-8 hours to function. *Disclaimer no I do not have children… yet.

25. Buy treasures that bring you joy. I’ve spent this year surrounding myself with little things that bring me happiness when I see them. It has made my home so much homier.

26. Have a friend outside of your marriage that is your confidant.

27. Be present. Connection is so hard in our world of technology and never ending stimulus. Being present is worth the missed social media posts and connection is more fulfilling.

birthday dress.jpg

Outfit Details: Wrap Dress @UrbanOutfitters, Boots @OldNavy, and Camille Necklace by @NatalieBorton.

28. Love Thigh Self. The name of my blog. The words I long to live by and I’m getting closer each day. The body parts I am most self loathing and self conscious of are my thighs. I am loving myself anyway. We all have things we dislike. We should treat ourselves as well as we treat strangers and friends. Loving yourself without judgement and believing you are worthy of this kind of love just as you are.

Which lesson in my 28 years of living resonated most with you?

Adriana Kincaid